Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Tugas 1, Bahasa inggris Bisnis 2

Equal Comparisons
·         My sister grown so much. She’s as tall as my mother now.
·         This phone doesn’t have as many features as the other one.
·         I can write as well as she can.

Unequal Comparisons
·         My brother is taller than my sister.
·         Yuraku’s price is more expensive than Hanamasa.
·         She ran faster than the other contestants.

Double Comparatives
·         The more she study for the test, the higher her score will be.
·         The more you practice, the better your performance.
·         The more time you spend talking to an audience, the better you get at public speaking.

·         He is the luckiest person I know.
·         English is the easiest language to learn.
·         My boyfriend have the curliest hair I have ever seen.